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Mayer Insurance Agency

The Difference Between Personal and Commercial Auto Insurance

Understand the differences between a personal and commercial auto insurance policy.

When your business is growing and is now always on the move, you may have purchased a car or even a whole fleet of vehicles for your employees to use. Whether you are delivering items, picking up supplies, or driving from one task to the next, you may find that travelling is now an important part of your business. In order to safeguard your business, team, and finances, it is importance to secure a commercial insurance policy.

But does my personal car insurance cover journeys?

Your personal car insurance is just that – personal. A standard auto insurance policy will not cover business-related travel. Even if you use your personal car for business, you may still need to secure a commercial auto insurance policy. Similarly, if you allow employees to use their vehicles to run company errands, consider securing coverage so that you are better protected.

Key differences

A commercial auto insurance policy is designed to help pay to repair physical damage to the vehicle you drive for business if it is damaged by theft, weather events or collisions. If a company car is involved in an auto accident, do not expect your personal car insurance to help pick up the pieces. Only having a commercial auto insurance policy can ensure that you have protection in place if needed.

The easiest way to protect against these risks is to have appropriate insurance coverage. For the protection your business needs, contact Mayer Insurance in Apple Valley.

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